Reveal Resources

Reveal Resources

Reveal is a collection of tools put together by Tearfund for people working directly with local communities or churches. Among them are information sheets, activities, Bible studies and good practice guides specifically relating to gender.

“Revealing and addressing hidden issues, revealing guidance and support for community actions and projects, and revealing what the Bible says.”

It is not a process to work through from start to finish. Instead, you can search for the tools that are most helpful to you and the communities you are working with. Reveal is divided into 3 sections:

Section A – tools to help you raise and explore hidden issues with communities and churches. These are issues that people often do not talk openly about. This may be because they are difficult or taboo issues such as abuse against children or women. Or they may be issues that a community does not yet understand, such as climate change.

Section B – Bible studies on all of the issues addressed in Reveal.

Section C – tools to use with communities once they have decided upon an issue or problem they would like to address. This section includes guidance on different approaches to tackling problems, and tools for planning and carrying out projects.