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Join Us in Transforming Lives

Your support makes a difference. With your donation, you can help us empower individuals, families, and communities to break free from the cycle of gender inequality and injustice.

Imagine a world where every person, regardless of gender, has equal rights, opportunities, and dignity. Your donation brings us one step closer to making this vision a reality.


Got Questions - We Have Answers

Gender inequality is primarily an issue of unequal power relations between men and women. It violates human rights, constrains choice and agency, and has negative impacts upon people’s ability to participate in, contribute to and benefit from social, political and economic development. It is essential that we work together and use our influence to create just and equitable relationships between women and men in order to achieve fair, sustainable, resilient and thriving communities.

The impacts of gender injustice are experienced most severely by women and girls.  Women may face discrimination at home and in the work place. They make up the overwhelming majority of the world’s poor. Women suffer heavily in times of war and conflict but are significantly under-represented at peace tables and in governance structures. Cultural constraints may hinder women’s movements and access to health care. The valuing of boys over girls leads to female foeticide and infanticide. Millions of girls and women are affected by female genital mutilation, early and forced marriage and violence based on gender.

Gender inequality can also place unnecessary demands upon men and boys. Where economic and political power is concentrated among an elite few, where there is conflict and displacement of whole communities, where there are uncertain climatic changes and the depletion of natural resources, it is increasingly hard for men to live up to the traditional gendered expectations that most societies place on them. Gender justice brings greater freedom and increased well-being to all.

Gender inequality is failing women and girls, and men and boys.
Yet, as a movement of people of faith, we believe that transformation is possible.

It is essential to build a movement of people, from all traditions of faith, that helps establish the social conditions in which women and girls can thrive alongside men and boys.

Our aims are:

  • To shift values, beliefs, attitudes, behaviours and practices (among individuals, and within communities and institutions) to recognise gender inequality as unacceptable and contrary to religious teaching and practice.
  • To help ensure that community level faith responses to gender injustice are more effective and sustainable.
  • To help ensure that legal systems (including religious and customary laws) recognise, prevent and adequately respond to gender injustice.
  • To help ensure that gender justice is an explicit aim both of religious institutions and governments – with effective policies, programmes and resources in place to achieve it.
  • To work to ensure that faith actors are no longer seen as a barrier to gender justice, but are recognised and supported to play a distinctive role in securing gender justice and the rights of both women and men, boys and girls.


  • We are motivated by a conviction of the profound and equal value and significance of each human being.
  • We share a vision of transformation empowered by costly love, which includes a commitment to mutuality, reciprocity and accountability.



  • We believe that every person has the right to freedom from violence and fear.
  • We believe that women and men must work together to transform relationships so that no harm is tolerated.
  • We believe that every human being has innate dignity because we are each made in the image of God.
  • We believe that religious or traditional practices can never justify the violation of human rights.



  • We believe that justice is indivisible and that gender-based inequality and violence is unacceptable, inexcusable and intolerable.
  • We share a commitment to empower women and girls to live within all societies without the barriers of prejudice or discrimination.


You can fill out our membership form here :

Membership Sign-up Form