April – May 2023

April – May 2023

In a world often beset by discord and divisiveness, it is crucial to find moments that emphasizeour shared humanity and common values-a harmonious symphony of faiths resounds in April. The confluence of Ramadan, Easter, Passover and Hanuman Jayanti presents a rare opportunity to celebrate our unity in diversity, fostering peace, harmony and social cohesion […] This remarkable occurrence presents a unique opportunity to bring together our diverse communities and celebrate the principles that bind us.1As an interfaith movement for gender justice Side by Side celebratesthe confluence of sacred days from different religions in April as an opportunity to strengthen our shared values and commitment to act together for justice, peace, harmony and social cohesion. It is a kairos moment that calls different religions to a deeper unity that is of service to the world.Kairosis a ‘time when conditions are right for the accomplishment of a crucial action-the opportune and decisive moment.’